Right where do i begin......the weather was appalling, the racing was good and i managed a few good results.
Ok the practice/qualifying was wet, i mean really wet. It had been teeming down and just before i was due to go out we were told there was oil everywhere..........excellent, the track was wet through and i wouldn't be able to see the oil....
After maybe a lap or 2 i couldn't see anything, my visor had fogged up and was struggling, i wasn't feeling too confident and was still looking for traces of oil, this wasn't going well.
I'd qualified 9th but knew i could go faster even in the wet.
We were on the grid and i wasn't feeling to great but one plus, it was dry and sunny.
I didn't get too bad a start, and i was not doing too bad, i was upto 7th, then the fireworks began.
I'd passed another Honda and an rs250 Aprilia, then proceeded to have a real battle, i was quicker than both of them into the corners on the brakes, if this bike has taught me anything its use the brakes to compensate for the lack of power. we were swapping places left right and centre, on the way upto the hairpin i was passed on the inside but tried to close the door but there was no where for me to go, and the honda was through, then the Aprilia was through aswell, i was fuming!
Next lap i outbroke the Aprilia into edwina's and then i was on the honda, round the hairpin and he'd lowsided, he was out, so it was just me and the aprilia...
The aprilia came past again, it was now the last lap so i was really determined to get past, so upto edwina's and he left me the gap, i left the brakes really late and got past, through the esses and upto the hairpin, i was taking the very defensive line and determined not to get past, i was into the bus stop and still in front, i knew i'd beat him and was really happy, we'd had a great race and i'd thoroughly enjoyed it.
I'd got 5th and was pretty pleased.........