After the sunny dry conditions of the first race the heavens had now well and truely opened, i was feeling fairly confident that i could go well in the rain and that i could even sneak a podium...
We were in the holding area and to be honest it was absolutely bouncing down. They had delayed the start by 10 mins, so a few final thoughts on how i'd approach the race and was looking forward to some good racing.
We were away and i had a half decent start and was about 8th into the first corner, we were really tentative round the lap, my tyres had been on warmers but i was still unsure on grip and especially with the standing water on track i was very cautious.
On lap 2 i was really feeling grip and i was working my way up again and amazingly yet again in the wet conditions i was enjoying myself, everytime i got on the power loads of grip and was gaining more confidence in these dodgy conditions.
I had worked my way upto 5 th and seemed to on my own, i was a way from 4th and had nobody snapping on my heels.
I tried for a few laps to see if i could get upto 4th but i wasn't so i decided that 5th it was and i was going to not do anything daft and keep it rubber side down.
I'd had a good race in the F400 class there was one more race for me and that was the novice race....