The lights changed and the start was good but not as good as the first, again this was a 4 lap race, so if you don't get away with the front runners your gonna be struggling.
So i got away and not for the first time i had been duffed up and been over took on the inside and had probably slipped down to 10th, as i rounded Cascades which is the 3rd corner, i ran out onto the plastic gridding, which is not very grippy and flat in 3rd gear the back tyre decided to shake its head quite violently and at one point was hoping there was no one right next to me because i would have hit them. Anyway the bike straightened itself out and no one had come passed so that was it, i was really determined now, and i got my head down.
I had passed a few bikes going into shell corner and was really trying, but like i said before in a 4 lap race if you don't get away good your gonna be struggling. As i saw the last lap flag and got onto the run up to Island bend i had a quick look behind and couldn't see anyone near me, now it was a case of just getting to the finish.
I'd finished 9th overall and 8th in class, which if i was honest i was gutted, my fastest time was a 2min 2 sec, and i just expected more, but such is life, so now it was time to reflect on how i could have done better and make a mental note......MUST TRY HARDER!!!!