Ok then this was going to be more of a race, i knew i could get up there and mix it with the lads that had been running top 5 all year even though this is the 4th time I've ridden the bike in 12 months.
We gathered in our grid positions, i was 31st out of 33 and knew i had my work cut out to get anywhere near the front runners, i mean the front runners in the 400 class, there were quick guys on 600's an i knew they would prob lap me at some point. Anyway the lights went out and for the first time i got away well, picking places up on the straight, then in to Gerrard's and i was passing people on the outside and i had good drive on to the back straight down to Edwina's, I'd picked up maybe 5 or 6 places in half a lap!!
Things were getting better as i slowly got quicker and quicker picking off more riders and the odd 600 as well, i was into maybe the 7th or 8th lap when i had a battle on my hands, a VFR 400 had tried passing my twice going in to Edwina's but I'd definitely slammed the door in his face, i was getting more and more tired though at this point and round to Edwina's once again where just when i thought about the same guy passing me he was along side and there was no way i could have kept him at bay.
By now i was getting bad arm pump and really showed how unfit i was, as hard as i was trying i couldn't go any faster i was just to tired, so i just settled in and tried to keep the pace up for the last few laps.
I'd given as much as i could and i was well and truly knackered! I'd tried my hardest and finished 22nd overall, and 5th in class. I was a bit gutted I'd not finished higher but seen as these guys have been racing all year i was chuffed deep down. I'd also posted a good lap time of 1:01.330, this was my fastest time of the day and I'd proved to myself that i could run near the front, i was filled with confidence can't wait to get back on the bike again.