The pic shows how the ports have been ground out and cleaned up, all thats needed now with this head is the valves being ground into the seats and the head skimming
I'm 30 years old i have been riding bikes since 2001 and decided to throw my hand at road racing, this will hopefully be a record of my racing career and hopefully it will be an insight into how you can get into it and the costs of doing so.....
Thank you for visiting this site, i wanted to make this a bit of a record into my long and illustrious racing career....i wish, but i also want to help people if i can to try their hand at racing too, i.e how to go racing, getting your license and joining a club, finding the right class to enter etc etc....
I've got myself a pretty standard RVF 400 Honda which cost less than £1500, i've kept a seperate section to show what i've done to the bike and what my plans are and hopefully the dyno read out if i can get the time to get it on there!