The bloody Caterhams had only gone and done it again, more oil on the track and it was on the run down into Edwinas, i decided to go and have a look over whilst there was a break, there was a lot of oil and even more cement dust. This race was going to be even more tricky...
Again the lights went out and we were gone, straight into the first corner and straight away 2 bikes just in front of me went down, then on the run down to Edwinas but before i got there the cloud of dust was immense, i could hardly see a thing. Another bike went down at the chicane and this was becoming more of a habit.
This race instantly felt better i was not being left miles behind and could see the leader i think i was in 10th or there abouts. Another lap had gone and i was going quicker than ever i was carrying more speed into the first corner than before, a 250 passed me on the start finish but i passed him going into Gerrards and i was carrying more speed than ever round there, i could feel the bike moving under me and i was grinning from ear to ear this race i was gonna give everything and more.
This race was carnage there seemed to be crashes at every corner and i knew i was going to be up there at the end, the only prob i seemed to have was the bike jumping out of gear but it didnt seem to be too much of a prob as i was flying, the bike was sliding into most of the corners and i was a lot faster than before i could feel it.
Before i knew it i crossed the start finish and that was it, a quick wave from my mate on pitwall and i knew this race was miles better.
I pulled upto the van and i was shattered, my legs were shaking and id given what i could. My mate then informed me i looked a lot faster and that i'd managed 1min 4 sec lap, just over 10 seconds a lap faster than my practice times.......
Well id done what id set out to do and kept it upright all day and improved every lap and i thoroughly enjoyed the day, if anything i was a bit gutted i finished where i did but amongst other 400's i know i could do a lot better even on my standard bike!!
Just one last thing, i wanna thank Howard Heyhirst,John Quail and most of all Helen my other half, Howard was their first thing and calmed me down from the word go and helped me out with tyre warmers etc, John for helping me with general advice and help with the bike, you two were both starts thank you very much, last but by no means least my other half Helen, for putting up with me and helping me on the way, thank you x.
Here's to the 2007 season and good luck to all those who are racing!!
Cheers Si